I have 1, 3, and 6 month packages

We will need to have an initial chat to see if it is a good fit for both parties which will take about 30 minutes. Please fill out the contact information below. I look forward to speaking with you about how we can enhance your valuable life.

All of Danny's coaching is based on a 3 phase process.

Phase 1: Restoring Balance

In our first phase we will take a look at how your body works energetically.  Balance is the body’s natural state.  When you are unbalanced, your body has an amazing way of telling you.  Danny is a master at healing and bringing your body back into balance. Some symptoms easily resolved in phase 1 are:

  • Self doubt and negative inner dialogue

  • Fears

  • Traumas

  • Limiting beliefs

  • Anxiety

  • Anger

  • Stagnation

  • Worry

  • Sleep issues

  • Dietary issues

  • Motivational issues

Phase 2: Creating Momentum

(Energy Medicine Training and Applications)

This phase is all about education.  You will learn tools to catalyze your mental, physical, and spiritual growth. 

  • Reiki Training

  • Lightarian Reiki ™ Training

  • Metatronia Therapy Training

  • Alchemical Healings

  • Recorded Hypnotherapy Sessions

  • Your energy follows your thoughts. Using your thoughts as tools is probably the most important thing to do. Saying “I can” rather than “I can’t” will become easy.

  • Learn how to be empowered and move through difficult times with ease and grace

  • Creating a new understanding of yourself and learn to love yourself in new ways

  • Protecting yourself energetically is important. It’s time to ride the wave rather than be pummeled by it. Using your sensitivities as tools is crucial. It is time to embrace them and look at them in a new way!

  • You will learn about thriving and how to integrate that into your life

  • You will learn the importance of meditation and you will be guided how to do it in a way that is easy for you!

  • Eating well/living well/exercise to help you rise in vibration and have a more aligned way of living within your body and it’s energetics

Phase 3: Manifestation-Creating The Life You Desire

The third phase is all about integration of what you have learned.  How has your life changed?  Now that you are empowered to heal yourself and be balanced and healthy, you are noticing that your life is becoming rich and full of accomplishments

  • Trust and know the universe has your back

  • Allow abundance in all forms to come to you

  • You deserve amazing things in life because you are worth receiving them

  • Now that you know how worthy and deserving you are, you must be willing to allow those good things to come into your life.

  • Find your community, people, and friends who you resonate with is very important. How have your friendships and relationships changed?

  • What is your guidance saying about you on your journey?

  • Learn independence and the art of positive thinking “change your thoughts, change your life!”