The Frequency Of Potential
Archangel Metatron opens us up to this remarkable and effective healing process. Assisting mankind in his light evolutionary process. A divine process that goes straight to the heart and heals. The energies help us to become calm and focus more, living more so in the moment.
Metatronia Therapy is an evolutionary healing vibration/energy that assists us as we move and evolve from Homo Sapien into Homo Luminous (Man of Light). The healing is at the forefront of these evolutionary energy transformations mankind is experiencing. It is every altering and ever expanding. It does not stagnate and is ever altering in vibration as man moves higher to becoming the man of light. A very evolutionary healing vibration and transformational system. That works on many levels not just the physical, emotional and mental bodies but much more.
The Healing of heart, mind, body, muscles, tendons, the whole system is cleansed, rebalanced, allowing us to "live in a vessel (body) that is functioning at its most optimum level". Removing any doubt and fear, giving us the freedom to explore and moveto where we truly need to be, to realiseour life's true soul purpose.
Metatronia Therapy® involves working with the individual, initially to find any emotional "blockages" and "issues" through short discussion and then working with gentle hands on healing that brings in light coded colours and shapes to balance the individual in all areas of their physical/generic make-up. Our life's "stories" are scanned and healing begins on taking away any parts of our life's Story that doesn’t serve us well. The healing is painless, very soothing and extremely relaxing. Aligning your blueprint, repairing your DNA and healing the Auric Field, raising your vibration to a higher level allowing for healing to take place on many levels.
Metatron moves us with this healing to where we need to be, with no trials, no tests...just beautiful, uplifting vibrational energy...working deep to free the spirit and soul and aligning us with our spirit and soul so we are one. Cutting through theego,thedressings,andthedramatothepeaceandharmonythatresidesdeepwithin. Thisishealingonacellular level, reaching our very core, and allowing us to function more freely, think more openly and feel at one with the Universe and most importantly to connect with the deepest part of us, being our true real essence.
It is a more powerful frequency to Reiki energy. It is based on codings and frequencies that are changing and updated as they come through. It is an ever-changing frequency, one with Metatron at the forefront, guiding and nurturing, healing and uplifting us.
The journey only starts with the attunement. The relationship with Metatron is then your own personal journey with him and we may all work slightly differently although the base instructions will remain the same.
There are 2 Levels
1st Attunement and 2nd Mastery
Each attunement and hypnotherapy with training and powerpoint is about 3 hours
Level 1 $399
Includes manual, training, alignment, meditation
Level 2 Mastery with heart Heart Activation $699
This is a very potent experience which will help accellerate your awakening process.
Includes Powerpoint Presentation, Manual, Attunement, and meditation
Level 2 Mastery with Hypnotherapy and Heart Activation $999
3 hours in length
Review of manual
Heart Activation Hypnotherapy
This takes place via zoom